The other day, I went for my first functional electrical stimulation (FES) appointment. I’d had a chat about FES with another MS patient at my most recent Ocrevus infusion. He’d told me about how it had changed his life from only being able to walk a few metres to being confident enough to walk ‘normally’…Continue reading “The FES SAS”

Neuro update

I went to see my new neurologist last month at big city hospital. Like my last neuro, he is another twinkly eyed, amiable bloke. My last neuro- has a vastly increased workload apparently. Either that or he’s too wrapped up in his trials and research (which I have consistently turned down the chance to takeContinue reading “Neuro update”

Eye and blood appointments

I went to see the opthalmologist and orthoptist last month as a follow up to my December 2009 appointment. It took 65 minutes of waiting in a waiting room  before I was eventually seen. Everything is fine with my eyes – pressure, field test, colour vision, optic nerve are all OK. Yes, I have hadContinue reading “Eye and blood appointments”

My MS History – Part One

Once somebody tells you, you have MS, you start to put a jigsaw together. You wonder whether that strange tingling sensation you had in your right arm last year had something to do with it, or in my case the vertigo diagnosis from the previous year and the little numb patch between my big toeContinue reading “My MS History – Part One”