“It’s a miracle!”

I don’t want to tempt fate and I don’t want to count chickens before they’ve hatched or any of that but… …It seems I can walk again. Now, this doesn’t mean I’ve been to see some Jim Jones style preacher, and it also doesn’t mean I’ve quaffed some magical elixir derived from a temple inContinue reading ““It’s a miracle!””

Baclofen fun

Well it’s the new year (happy new year!) and after over-indulging over the festive period, my thoughts have naturally turned to new year’s resolutions. Normally it’s something to do with losing a bit of weight and becoming fitter, even if it’s just a little bit fitter and being able to take my belt in aContinue reading “Baclofen fun”

Getting fit with Mr Uhthoff

This isn’t a new year’s resolution, but I have decided to get fit. This incorporates a couple of in-built problems, the most obvious being the MS, of course, but the second being the fact that I don’t do personal trainers (I have to admit to being quite rude to the only one I have everContinue reading “Getting fit with Mr Uhthoff”

a little bit further along that long road to fitness

Managed two miles tonight in my secret moorland training camp. Yay! target reached. Contended with failing light, with mist/drizzle (mizzle?) and a sharp headwind on the flat and downhill sections, but luckily behind me for the uphill. Oh! and an undone shoelace for much of the second mile I think the “bad” weather helped. IContinue reading “a little bit further along that long road to fitness”